Reminder of the Day: My Thought Exacly

Racists are a problem

White people are not

Homophobes are a problem

Straight people are not

Transphobes are a problem

Cis people are not

Sexists are a problem

Men are not

And most importantly, hating an innocent person solely because of their race, sexuality, or gender makes you a fucking asshole


Yep.  Can’t agree more.

$12,690 vs. $0

$12,690 vs. $0

Luxury.  What does that mean to me, I wondered when I saw this quote Sunday morning.

“Luxury to me is not about buying expensive things; It’s about living in a way where you appreciate things”

We have been lucky to have a warm winter in Seattle this year.  It was sunny and spring like yesterday.

When I took my slightly overweight Chihuahua, Ginger to do her business early in the morning, I noticed it was such a gratifying morning.  Air was clean and slightly wet from last night’s rain and ocean nearby.  I inhaled big this air as if I was filling my whole body with freshness of winter morning.  Then all of a sudden, I heard something humming.  I thought it was a bee at first but it sounded a little louder than a bee.

I realized that was a humming bird hovering and humming away right in front of me for good 5 seconds.  I was not moving and probably I was not breathing because I didn’t want this pretty bird to go away.  She (the bird looked like she) was holding one bright pink petal of winter camellia, which is one of my favorite flower.  It felt like she was trying to tell me to take a moment once in a while and just BE.

This is exactly what luxury is all about to me.  The beautiful humming bird brought such a quiet yet strong message yesterday.  By the way, above quote is by Oscar De La Renta, high-end couture fashion designer.  The most expensive dress of his you can buy online is $12,690.  However, like he said, you can find your own luxury, whatever that may be, when you choose, you don’t even have to pay a penny.

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